Forward Planning - County Development Plan/Local Area Plans
Area Plans adopted for New Ross, Kells, Goresbridge, Freshford in 2005.
Public consultations held for Slieverue, Mullinavat, Stoneyford and Paulstown.
Local Area Plan for Kilkenny City Centre adopted in 2005.
Extensive Consultations are carried out in the preparation of the Local Area Plans. All sectors of the Community are encouraged to participate in the formal consultation.process.
County Strategy Actions and Community Actions now being incorporated in Local Area Plans.
Variation No's. 4 & 5 & 6 of the Kilkenny City & Environs Development Plan were adopted in 2005.
Consultation for Variation No's 7 & 8 of the Kilkenny City & Environs Development Plan and the County Development Plan commenced in 2005.
The review of the Retail Strategy was adopted in 2005.
A review of the parameters of the Housing Strategy was completed in 2005.
A review of the Rural Housing Policy was commenced in 2005 and the draft completed, taking into account the Sustainable Rural Housing Guidelines.
A proposed ammendment to the Mooncoin Local Area Plan commenced and the draft was on public display in 2005.
The sum of €190,000 was paid under the Conservation Grant Scheme for protected structures.
Ten additions were made to the Record of Protected Structures.
Architectural Inventories have been carried out for four villages and Urban Design Studies carried out for four villages.
N.I.A.H. survey for County Kilkenny commenced in 2005.
Kilkenny County Council offer a planning consultancy/advisory system for sensitive buildings and protected structures.
Derelict Sites
The Council's five area offices are responsible for derelict sites with the support of a Senior Executive Engineer.
52 Notices under the Derelict Sites Act 1990 were issued in 2005.
Derelict sites will continue to be investigated and notices served as appropriate.
The County Council continues to identify sites that are suitable for infill housing in order to generate and revive some of the more dilapidated black spots in villages and towns around the County.
The acquisition of suitable derelict properties will commence under the Compulsory Purchase Proceedings of the Derelict Sites Act 1990.
Development Charges
The new Development Contribution Scheme was applied to all permissions granted from 1st January, 2004 .
The sum of €10.9m was collected in 2005 - an increase of €3.6m.
Kilkenny City Western Environs Development Contribution Scheme was adopted in 2005.
Development Control
2046 applications received in 2005 (2087 in 2004).
The sum of €1,112,956 was received in planning fees.
831 Commencement Notices under the Building Regulations were received.
The Planning Clinic system continues to operate successfully in each of the area offices.
Extended opening hours at the planning public counter were introduced in 2004, and the Planning Office is open to the public from 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. daily.
A total of 180 new complaints were received during 2005.
Enforcement Proceedings were progressed in respect of 250 complaints and approximately 70 cases have been forwarded for legal action.
A total of 195 cases were brought to conclusion during 2005.
The Council successfully prosecuted 4 cases during 2005.
Fines and costs, a total of €9,200.00 was imposed by the Court.
Over €200,000.00 was received in planning retention fees alone as a direct result of Enforcement action taken. Development contributions would also be due on foot of most of these applications.
A number of cases investigated by the Office of the Ombudsman were closed, it being satisfied with our complaints handling procedures.
Taking In Charge
A new Protocol to deal with the Taking in Charge of housing estates by the Council was developed and commenced in 2005 and will continue to be developed and utilised for future requests under the Taking in Charge process.
The Taking in Charge process commenced in respect of 11 housing estates in 2005.
Town Renewal
29 projects have been approved to date under the Town Renewal Scheme.
The final date for qualifying for the scheme was 31 st December, 2004 with 31 st July, 2006 being the date for completion of works.
Urban & Village Renewal
In 2001 a Strategic Plan for the Implementation of the Urban & Village Renewal Scheme was prepared by Kilkenny County Council. This set out the Council's plans for the years 2001 - 2006 in allocating the Urban and Village renewal fund throughout the County.
The Urban and Village Renewal Scheme is funded by the EU and Exchequer through the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government.
The grant allocation for the year 2005 was € €525,821.00.
Phase 5 of the six year programme was undertaken in 2005 and the following projects were carried out :-
Kilkenny - Bishop Birch Place | New entrance area, upgrading of pitch |
Kilkenny - Johns Quay | paving, lighting and planting |
Kilkenny - River Nore Linear Park | purchase of materials |
Clogh | footpaths and signage |
Cuffesgrange | paving and tree planting |
Johnswell | amenity area and public lighting |
Kilmaganny | footpaths |
Mullinavat | footpaths, amenity area with play facilities, planting on approach roads |
New footpath and public lighting Kilkenny Road Callan |
IT Developments
EPlan, Kilkenny County Council's new internet based Planning and GIS system was made available online in 2004.
New mapping register of Enforcement files was implemented at the end of 2004 which will greatly assist Planning Staff in identifying Enforcement cases which are current and have relevance to any proposed planning applications on a particular site